Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Band I-Movie

The I-Movie project was pretty good. I did learn a lot about working with others in a group, however, I did not like that the work was distributed unequally. I had to put much more time into this project than I was hoping. However, I did like doing interviews and being creative with the movie. I am very involved in band, and I love it a lot. This project was a way for me to share my love of band. Timing was the most difficult part of this project. The music was also hard. However, despite the difficulties, I think this project turned out really well. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Movie Podcast

The Movie Podcast project was a pretty fun project. I absolutely love movies, especially scary movies, so it was fun to be able to tell everyone about my favorite scary movie, The Amityville Horror. I love putting my creativity into making things like this interesting for everyone. I really hope I was able to convince at least a few people to watch this movie. The only thing I didn't like is having to put my own voice into it. I don't like the sound of my voice on recordings. Overall, this project was great. I really loved hearing about everyone's favorite movie and what it was about. I got some great new movie suggestions!