Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The storyboard project was rather difficult. It was hard to find so many pictures and so much information about band, even though I am in it. However, it was very fun to do this project because I know it will hopefully get some more people involved in band. I love making powerpoints, even though sometimes they are a pain. I love using all kinds of colors, animations, and sounds to really let my creativity flow. Hopefully, this will aid the incoming freshman next year, and they will be less confused about everything. I really hope more people join our band because we really need more people!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I-Photo Name Project

This project was a great project to get my creativity flowing. I absolutely love creative projects like this one. It was really fun to find the letters of my name and there were so many creative options. I love to share my interests and passions with everyone, and this project was a great way to do this. I got to take a few pictures, too and share my love for photography. In this project, I put in many pictures of things I enjoy and  of things that mean a lot to me. These pictures include pictures of nature, my pets, my friends, and places I love to visit. This was a great project!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Charity Mail Merge

The project was to learn how to use mail merge. I really liked this project. I am hoping to become a teacher when I'm older, and this tool will be very helpful when I write letters to parents, students, or faculty. With mail merge, you can easily transfer names and addresses into your letter. This is useful for all letter writing purposes if you are sending a letter to a large group of people. I also didn't know the difference between a regular letter and a business letter. It's good that I finally learned the format! The project was enjoyable and I hope we do more projects like this!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M Comparisons

I really liked doing this project, especially because I absolutely love M&M's. (The blue one's taste the best!)  Learning about the Auto-sum feature was very helpful, especially for school projects. I never knew how to do that before. I haven't used Excel very much. This will definitely be very helpful with upcoming projects. I can easily display information and quickly add, subtract, or average numbers. I never knew how helpful Excel really is. The pie chart is definitely a very useful tool for displaying important information. I love organizing and using colors. It definitely makes learning easier! This was a very fun project to do, and it definitely tasted yummy!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Class Expectations

I am looking forward to learning even more about technology! I am fairly good with computers, but I would like to learn more about the specific programs. I have used a P.C. my whole life, so I'm still adapting to all the Mac programs. I'm especially excited to do the "My Life Project" at the end of the trimester. It's a lot of fun to go through all the old picture and memories, and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone else's projects, too! I expect to learn more about all the Mac specific programs, such as Geometer's Sketchpad, I-photo, I-work, etc. I can't wait to get started!